Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mommyhood.  Parenthood.  Whatever you want to call it - it is not what I thought it would be.

I have a 6 week old daughter, Adalynn, who is happy, laid-back and usually only cries when she is hungry.  I really think we got lucky.  So why am I complaining?  Shouldn't I be happy to have an 'easy' baby?

Let me take you back a few years.  I had a daughter at 17 whom I placed for adoption.  During the process, I took care of her for 7 weeks, then had to let her go (more on this on a different day).  It took 10 years for me to finally have another child - a daughter even!  Was this God's way of giving me closure?  Of me getting the daughter I always wanted?

My first daughter, Zoe, was in foster care from her birth until 6 weeks. Then I took her from 6 weeks to about 13 weeks.  I took care of her because her birth father wanted to parent, not place her for adoption, thus resulting in someone needing to take care of her, which was me.  Again - more on that later.  Since I took care of her for 7 weeks, you would think I should know how to do everything.  But this time, it is different.

Over the last ten years, I have been dreaming and painting a picture in my mind of what it would feel like to have a daughter again.  I saw me gushing over her, laughing with her, feeding her and changing her diapers without being annoyed - all because I finally have what I have wanted for so long.

I didn't feel the instant connection with Adalynn.  In fact, I felt resentment.  When we brought her home, the reality of having a child at home really sank in.  It was never going to be me and my husband again.  Did we have a child too soon?  We were only married for 6 months when we got pregnant.  I wanted our routine back.  I wanted to catch up on our DVR shows and go to bed at 10p and sleep until 7a without interrupted sleep. I wanted to be able to go to Walmart on a moments notice. 

Turns out I ended up having post-partum depression, so that didn't help the situation.  I tried to nurse, which ended up not working out.  I felt like I was doing everything wrong - I felt like a failure.  I felt like I should be HAPPY to have a daughter again.  The guilt was almost unbearable.  I felt guilty that I didn't love my daughter right away, that I couldn't nurse, that I couldn't be the Mommy I have always thought I should be. 

Good thing is, the guilt has passed and it is getting easier.  She is feeding regularly and starting to get in a sleep pattern.  I am still scared to  have a deep connection with her - maybe in the back of my mind I think she isn't going to be with me like Zoe.  I know that isn't true, but my only pregnancy/mommyhood experience happened when I was a 17-year old.  My first pregnancy dealt with grief and loss.  Addy has brought up many emotions that I thought I have worked through.

More to come!


  1. You're one of the strongest most awesome person I know lil' sis. I LOVE YOU!!

  2. My prayers and best wishes are with you right now jess!! You have 2 beautiful daughters now! Its exciting that you had a child recently and always know that you have alot of people here for you including me! Your going to be an amazing mom!! I'm very happy for you and your husband!! CONGRATS!

  3. I hope find blogging healing and that it helps you sort out all the crazy emotions that come with mommyhood, especially when it's tangled with grief and loss. Love you!
