Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby weight

I gained just under 50 pounds with Zoe - but I was about 110 soaking wet at that age.  Luckily, I only gained about 30 with Adalynn.  It took 9 months to gain that weight, so it will probably take about 9 months to lose it.

I have always had a love/hate relationship with my weight.  Some days I am content and tell myself this body produced two beautiful daughters and I should embrace it.  Other days, I look in the mirror in disgust or see recent pictures of myself and think I really need to lose weight.  I had glucose intolerance with Adalynn - basically me and sugar did not mix well.  The doctor told me I really need to be in the best shape of my life after the pregnancy since I have a significantly increased risk of diabetes later in life - doesn't matter if I am overweight or not.  That scares me to my core.

With weight gain comes the stretch marks.  I have them really bad on my stomach, sides, thighs and even one armpit (weird).  I used the coconut cream stuff - for about a week, then I lost my motivation.  I also have a love/hate relationship with my stretch marks.  I know they will fade over time, but I probably won't be able to wear a bikini again.  Small sacrifice to make for a miracle.  I think stretch marks are beautiful on other women - it means they chose life, it means God has allowed them to experience pregnancy that will never be forgotten. 

I could have lost 30 pounds before we got pregnant and pregnancy was just another excuse to have whatever I wanted to eat.  I am definitely paying for it now!  I have about 50 pounds to lose.  I have lost weight in the past, so I know what to do - just need to be disciplined and not make excuses to go to the receptionist's desk to get a piece of candy!

Good luck to those who feel they need to lose the baby weight - even if your youngest baby was born 15-20 years ago.  Takes time and effort, but being healthy is the greatest gift you can ever give your child.  Good luck!

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