I am now a HUGE believer in going on vacation WITHOUT your
infant/toddler. I feel like I have had
an epiphany. I have prayed a lot and I
feel like I have my answer. I feel like
God has opened my heart to my daughter.
It’s exhilarating.
In recent posts, I had voiced my feeling about having this
wall between me and Adalynn. I now feel
like the wall has been broken down and I feel OK about giving my heart to her
now. Having a week away from her really
opened up my eyes to how much I really love her and couldn’t (and don’t want
to) imagine my life without her.
Having a full week away from our daughter has given me a new
perspective on parenthood. Yes, it is
still hard. Yes, it still sucks waking
up in the wee hours of the morning to feed.
But, I can feel myself having more patience. I would much rather hear her crying than not
hear her voice at all. Having that time
away from her really helped me sort through the feelings I was having.
I feel like a better mother now. Crazy how one week can change your
perspective. I feel renewed. Some people told me they could never leave
their child for that long and others said it will be one of the best things I
can do for myself. I see both sides. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your
child for an extended period of time, then don’t put yourself in that
situation. Maybe you had an easier time
transitioning into parenthood. Maybe you
have known your entire life you want to be a parent. But for me, I needed that reinforcement that
I can do this and that I want to do this. For me, having time away was one of the best
things I have done.
It’s been quite the journey into parenthood and it will
continue for the rest of my life. Now
the next step is to hop on and enjoy the ride!
P.S. - book is available for pre-sales, with a ship date of
10/7/14. Only 6 weeks away! Who knows
where it could lead - maybe a movie?
Better brush up on my acting skills from elementary school ;)
Adalynn being a big girl in her crib!